Jan Vos
40 years experience in fluid mechanics simulations, including Magneto Hydrodynamic Flows, combustion, hypersonic flows and flows for aeronautical applications. Has developed several CFD codes for a wide variety of flow problems. Current interests are multi disciplanary simulation (Fluid Structure and Fluid Heat Transfer) simulations. Jan has been lecturer at the Laboratory of Computational Engineering at the EPFL.

Alain Gehri
33 years experience in grid generation and flow simulation for space and aeronautical applications. Is responsible for grid generation and development of CFD codes and post-processing tools

Former employees

Dominique Charbonnier
18 years experience in CFD, first in the field of turbo-machinery applied to studies of rotor-stator interactions, film-cooling and heat transfer prediction. Since he joined CFSE in 2009, he works on a wide range of aeronautical and aerospace related projects, from mesh generation, simulations, post-processing to reporting. He his also responsible for the design of websites, the setup of collaborative platforms, and communication documents for European projects in which CFSE participates.

Malo Drougard
Young and dynamic computer scientist, specialized in computer graphic and UX design.