RUAG is a leading supplier, support provider and integrator of systems and components for civil and military aviation worldwide. Moreover, RUAG specializes in the development, manufacturing and final assembly of fuselage sections for passenger aircraft, wing and control surface components.

SMR Engineering and Development is specialized in research and development of computer simulation methods in mechanical and civil engineering, scientific computing, engineering computer simulations. SMR also offers software development services in engineering.

Airinnova founded in 2015 by a team of experts from KTH, the company is focusing on providing advanced computational technology for cutting edge aircraft preliminary design, computational aerodynamics, and multi-disciplinary optimization.

ArianeGroup’s heritage reaches back to France’s very first space program, and continues with the Ariane success story which, through a process of continuous development over nearly half a century, has put Europe right at the head of the civil launcher market, holding the world’s top position for commercial launches to geostationary transfer orbit (GTO).

EPFL is the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne. It is often ranked in the top engineering schools of the world. As CFSE is located in the EPFL innovation park, several EPFL students from different fields (mechanical engineering, computer science) did their Master thesis at CFSE. If you are interested by doing yours at CFSE, check out available positions.
DLR is the German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt; DLR) . DLR is involved in a wide range of research and development projects in national and international partnerships. DLR also acts as the German space agency. As such, it is responsible for planning and implementing the German space programme. The collaboration between the CFSE and DLR concerns many European projects as the AGILE and RETALT project and software development as the up-coming CPACSCreator CAD.

NLR is the Dutch Aerospace Center, founded in 1919. NLR is supporting the aerospace industry and users world wide, and covers the entire development chain from analysis, research and development to qualification and certification. The collaboration between CFSE and NLR concerns the development and use of CFD codes, in particular focused on the chimera method and fluid structure interaction.

IMFT, Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse, is a research center including CNRS, INP and the University of Toulouse. IMFT is one of the leading French/European research institutes in fluid mechanics. The collaboration between CFSE and IMFT is focused on the development of the NSMB CFD code (novel turbulence and transition models), and the use of NSMB in projects funded by the EU and industry.

The ICUBE laboratory of the University of Strasbourg brings together researchers of the University of Strasbourg, the CNRS (French National Center for Scientific Research), the ENGEES and the INSA of Strasbourg in the fields of engineering science and computer science. One of the main developers of the NSMB CFD code is Professor at University of Strasbourg. The collaboration between CFSE and ICUBE is focused on the further development of NSMB, in particular the development and application of droplet and icing modules, fluid structure interaction, hypersonic flows, and the development of the next generation of the NSMB code based on Fortran 2003.

The University of the Army in Munchen is a relatively small university founded in 1973 to provide academic training for officers and officer candidates. The collaboration with CFSE and UNIBW is mainly in the field of hypersonic flow simulation and code development, and in particular the development of radiation modules that are included in the NSMB CFD code.

The focus of the Institute of Aerodynamics and Fluid Mechanics is the development and application of numerical simulation tools as well as the experimental analysis of advanced configurations for helicopters, aircraft and automobiles. The collaboration between CFSE and TUM is mainly of the use of the NSMB CFD code for high speed aerodynamics.

Elomatic is a large engineering and consulting company in Finland. Elomatic acquired FinFlo in 2017, and CFSE has been collaborating with FinFlo on the use of CFD (including Fluid Structure Interaction) for the F/A-18 fighter aircraft operated both by Finland and Switzerland. The objective of these CFD simulations is to compute the aerodynamic loads on different components of the fighter.