CEASIOMpy: Conceptual aircraft design environment
The CEASIOMpy application is a Conceptual Aircraft design tool. It was developed within the frame of the SimSAC European project. Work began 1 November 2006 and last 3 years. The SimSAC project aims at significantly enhancing CEASIOM functionality by introducing software that initially focuses on rapid low fidelity analysis, and as appropriate, resort to higher fidelity numerical simulations. Moreover CEASIOM involve stability and control driven sizing and optimization earlier in the design cycle than is standard practice today. In the recent years, CEASIOM has been converted to Python and now use the CPACS parametric aircraft geometric format.

CPACSCreator: CAD for aircraft
We had developped CPACSCreator software in collaboration with the DLR in Cologne. The aim of CPACSCreator is to modify and create aircraft geometry encoded in CPACS format. It is based on TiGLViewer that implement the display part. The code can be found on GitHub.
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